Our members benefit from efficient, high-quality service anchored
on fully transparent operations.
We operate a revenue sharing concept that ensures the fair recording and distribution of earnings based on each vessel’s performance during the year.
Our state-of-the-art Tanker Pool Management Reporting Software provides our pool partners with real-time access to your vessels’ performance.
Pool partners can leverage our worldwide marketing, operational, seagoing and pool management expertise.
This is provided by our extensive network of charterers and broker houses.
Our revenue consistently outperforms market benchmarks.
Our pool partners benefit from our bulk purchases of bunkers, agencies, tugs, port dues and more.
We ensure a close working relationship with our clients through regular meetings to keep owners abreast of major developments in the pool and chemical market.
We have in place a comprehensive in-house vetting programme for servicing oil majors.
Our pool entities are audited by Deloitte & Touche.